Face Recognition System

What is Face Recognition System and How it works?

Face recognition is a technology capable of identifying or confirming a person’s identity through their face using an image or video. It is a form of biometric identification that uses particular body measure for identification, in the case of facial recognition it uses face and head of a particular individual for the verification of identity of a person. This technology is one of the most reliable and secure as unlike other identification patterns it uses mathematical and dynamic patterns and also various computer algorithms to record the facial data of a person.

Working of Facial Recognition System

Various budget conscious android devices only use camera for facial recognition system without using any sensors, this type of Facial Recognition is not very reliable as it does not use any sensors to verify the facial data whereas mid rangers or high end phones such as iPhone’s or other flagship phone use various sensors to verify the facial data and also the new chipsets are more AI focused therefore they are able to capture the facial data more accurately without the use of various sensors which has made the facial recognition system cheaper and more accessible to everyone.

The facial recognition is not just used for unlocking phones they are also used for tracking people on watch list and watch list can contain picture of anyone, even a person who are not suspected of any wrongdoings. These people are tracked by people walking by special face recognition cameras.

The facial recognition system works as follows:

  1. First and the key part of Facial Recognition System is the face detection. The camera detects and locates a face of a person either in a crowded place or alone. The camera may capture the image of a person looking straight ahead or in profile.
  2. Second part is the Face Analysis of a person it is either done in 2D or 3D image most of the face analysis software relies on 2D image rather than 3D image because 2D photos are more easily available and therefore makes it easy to match in the database. This software reads the geometry of your face and marks the key distinguishing areas of the face such as distance between the eyes, depths of the eye sockets, the shape of the cheekbone and the distance from the forehead and chin. It even analyses the contour of the lips, ears and chins.
  3. Second part is the Face Analysis of a person it is either done in 2D or 3D image most of the face analysis software relies on 2D image rather than 3D image because 2D photos are more easily available and therefore makes it easy to match in the database. This software reads the geometry of your face and marks the key distinguishing areas of the face such as distance between the eyes, depths of the eye sockets, the shape of the cheekbone and the distance from the forehead and chin. It even analyses the contour of the lips, ears and chins.
  4. Now lastly the faceprint is then compared against the database of other known faces. For example when a person tags his friends with their photos and name on Facebook or Instagram, it instantly becomes a part of Facebook’s and Instagram’s database which could be used for facial recognition of a person. If the faceprint matches with the image of Facial Recognition System then the individual is identified in an instant.

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