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Medical Applications of Stainless Steel 304 (UNS S30400)

Stainless Steel 304 is widely used in the medical industry. Its reliable properties guarantee safety, reliability, and effectiveness in various medical applications.

About 304 Stainless Steel

Grade 304 stainless steel is viewed as an unsurpassed miracle of versatility and is very popular in different production sections. It offers high resistance to rust and corrosion, is strong and can be deep drawn directly into the process without intermediate annealing. This makes it a versatile and convenient material for the manufacturing of various types of products, from kitchen sinks to advanced medical devices.

In this article, we will focus on the medical applications of stainless steel 304.

Chemical Composition of Grade 304

Element Composition in %
Carbon .08
Manganese 2
Silicon .75
Phosphorus .045
Sulphur .03
Chromium 18 – 20
Nickle 8 – 10.5
Nitrogen .10

Properties of Stainless Steel 304 Used in Medical Devices

Let us look at the key properties of grade 304 which makes it suitable for the manufacturing of medical devices.

  • Corrosion Resistance: It is corrosion resistant making it highly suitable for the manufacturing of medical tools. These tools come directly in contact with body fluids and tissues and any kind of corrosion can be dangerous for the people on whom these tools are used. Hence being highly corrosion-resistant, grade 304 helps prevent infections and assures the longevity of medical devices.
  • Sterilization: It’s easy to clean and sterilize.
  • Strength and Formability: Grade 304 is strong and hence tools made from it do not break during a surgical procedure making it suitable for surgical instruments, implants, and tools used in medical procedures needing precision and durability.

Medical Applications of Stainless Steel 304

Stainless Steel 304 is used in the medical field for the following applications:

  • Surgical Instruments: Stainless Steel 304 is used to make tools like scalpels, forceps, and scissors. Such instruments require strength, and precision, and are to be cleaned and sterilized after every use.
  • Implants: It is also used in the manufacturing of orthopaedic surgery devices, such as screws, plates, and rods. These devices require strength and have to be biocompatible, which means it should not react in the body and hold bones together for their healing.
  • Medical Tubing: The precision tubes made up of Stainless Steel 304 are used to supply medicine, fluid, or gas to the human body for surgical treatment or therapy. This material is chosen for the making of these tubes because of its reliability and cleaning properties.
  • Dental Instruments: Dental instruments such as brackets and tools in orthodontic therapy are made up of Stainless Steel 304. It provides them additional strength and corrosion resistance.
  • Diagnostic Instruments: Stainless Steel 304 is used for manufacturing needles, probes, and many other medical instruments. It offers accurate, trustworthy, and safe usage to the user.

These applications require safety, durability, and performance in the medical field. Due to the corrosion resistance, strength in different conditions, and ease of sterilization, Stainless Steel grade 304 has become very valuable in this sphere of modern healthcare across the globe.

About Ambica Steels Limited

Ambica Steels Limited is a leading manufacturer of high-quality Stainless Steel products in India. Renowned for its advanced technology and innovation, the company offers a wide range of Stainless steel solutions for diverse industries.


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